About us

The Wood Processors Association was established in 2020 in October, to coordinate and implement the goals set by its members. Its activities ensure the representation of association members in state institutions and other governing bodies.

Compared to the 20th century Lithuanian forest resources changed in the better way. In the middle of the 20th century Lithuanian pine forests were dominated by young stands, while mature stands accounted for only 5 % of the area. After half century we can see radically changed situation. Currently, a large part is occupied by half-aged stands, which makes up 46.3% of the area, and the areas of maturing forests have also increased significantly – from 14.1% to 22.2%, especially the share of mature stands from 4.8% to 16.4 %. In Lithuania, the wood industry currently accounts for 5% of the country GDP per year. 

The Wood Processing Association was established in 2020 in October, to coordinate and implement the goals set by its members. Its activities ensure the representation of association members in state institutions and other governing bodies.

Assocation goals